Digital Marketing

E-Commerce Solutions- Digital World Market

E-Commerce, also known as internet commerce and electronic commerce. Ecommerce is a business area that sells and buys things over the internet. Money, data, and funds are transferred electronically through the internet. Online business is getting popular day by day. Ecommerce is making businessmen and customer’s life easy and convenient. Anybody can buy anything from anywhere within a few minutes. This market is evolving with increasing smartphone usage. techink is the perfect place for expanding your business or starting your small scale business through E-commerce. techink is the best digital marketing company providing complete e-commerce solutions. We offer e-commerce services to every start-up, small businesses, and large corporations.

E-Commerce establishes a broader market for your business and provides cheap and efficient distributors for your products and services. Some of the most popular E-Commerce websites are Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Olx, Quikr, Fiverr, Shopify, Myntra, etc.

Difference between E-Commerce and E-Business:

Mostly everybody gets confused between e-commerce and e-business. But E-commerce and E-business are both different aspects. E-Commerce refers to the goods and services transactions between a seller and a consumer, whereas E-business refers to the complete process which is required to manage an online business. In E-business, you can find Inbound Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing, Sales Promotions, etc. E-Commerce is a part of E-Business as the E-Business is a broader concept than E-Commerce. techink provide you with E-Commerce solutions and E-Business services for your business.

Types of E-Commerce:
techink is the best E-commerce solutions company that provides various kinds of e-commerce services. techink, a prominent e-commerce company known for its work in web designing and listing of products on Amazon and Flipkart; we have successfully earned multi-national customers around the world. We offer you with variety of web designs and developmental solutions and a remarkable web presence. We are the best digital marketing company providing various services for business.

There are two types of models in E-Commerce:

  • According to the business model
  • According to the commercial model
  • According to the industrial model

Decide the type of online transaction to select the specific category of e-commerce category in which the transfer falls under. There are six types of e-commerce:

Business-to-Business (B2B)

Business-to-Business e-commerce refers to transactions of goods and services between two companies. This type includes the producer of the product and the whole seller who markets the product to consumers to buy the product. Consumers are not involved in this type of model. The online transaction includes only manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

The most traditional and evergreen type of e-commerce is Business-to-Consumer. B2C refers to transactions of goods and services between businesses to consumers. Every person enjoys this business type as it allows every consumer to purchase anything from anywhere at the best prices after reading reviews of other customers. This e-commerce type enables businesses to increase and grow a relationship with customers.

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

This is the different type of e-commerce business. Consumers provide their products and services to businesses. Some examples of this type like photographers taking photos for various business websites like e-commerce, graphic designer customizing a company logo, and website developer developing website for the companies.

Business-to-Administration (B2A)

This type of e-commerce business refers to transactions between online companies and governmental bodies, i.e., public administration. Many governmental bodies depend on e-commerce businesses in many ways. These governmental bodies use e-commerce services like registration, social security, legal documentation, and employment. This type of e-commerce is increasing rapidly due to growing e-government services.

Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

This type of e-commerce involves a transaction between people and public administration. This type of e-commerce includes operations related to education, health, tax, and social security. Filling tax returns online making it easy for consumers, getting online lectures by paying, making appointments, and distributing information. Individuals like to pay for these kinds of services using e-commerce.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

This type of e-commerce transaction involves consumers on both sides. The third-party provides a platform to conduct services in which consumers trade products, services, and information online. This model is also known as consumer-to-business-to-consumer.

According to the business model

With the constant changing technology, online business needs are being created and increasing steadily. The types of the business model depend on the exchange taking place between buyers and sellers:

Online business with its products
Like physical stores, there are online stores that sell their products and services through their sites only. Some examples of these kinds of stores are

Affiliate E-commerce
In this type of E-commerce business model, the third party sells a product on a commission basis using an online platform. Amazon also used in this type of marketing. The seller need not store stock for selling. When the purchase process is completed, the affiliate marketer receives its commission.

The marketplace is a website where a seller offers a variety of products from various sectors. It is also called an online department store. The best example of this is Amazon.

In this E-commerce business model, the merchant purchases a product from the third party and sells it to the customer. As a result, the merchant never handles the product and never sees it. This merchant becomes the face of the seller in front of the buyer.

E-commerce business not only sells products but also allow selling services with an online platform. This type of e-commerce solution focuses on continual purchases. These online shops offer to receive products with a predetermined frequency.

Why choose us:

Website Making
Customers are attracted to products and services by the most attractive E-commerce website. So, it is a necessity that your website should create a lasting impression on the visitors.

techink is an E-commerce company, specialize in making a stunning website for the client as per the specifications. We have a qualified and skilled graphics designing team, who are capable of making a user and search engine friendly websites for the clients.

Our web designers and developers are professionals in developing customized websites and finding online business solutions for our clients. Apart from that, we also provide our clients with easy to use and affordable Content Management System (CMS), so that our clients can manage the website and web design on their own.

Listing Products on websites

Instead of selling products through your site; prefer some popular e-commerce websites for your product listing. Apart from Web Designing, we also list our client’s products on these websites, and we have successfully gained specialization and efficiency in listing products on Flipkart.

For doing business, you need to distinguish yourself in the eyes of your customers and this where advertising works well!

techink run an effective advertising campaign on popular websites of Amazon and Flipkart. We assure effective advertising at a reasonable cost.

Track Order Status
The tracking order feature is an essential part of the e-commerce website. Customers can track their orders through this feature.

Mobile-Friendly website
Today your customers are using mobile phones to access your site. techink will make a mobile-friendly website so that more and more users use your website.

Help you to find yourself on Google
With the help of keywords and Search Engine Optimisation, you can quickly increase the number of visitors on your website. In addition to that, we help you to improve the rating of your website on Google. This will lead to success and more number of customers. We are also the best SEO company in Agra.

Timely and creative delivery of the website
Creativity comes from the experience that we possess. We are a team of professional Web Designers, who creatively design your website that suits best to your business and product. And we take care of our customers by making delivery of the website always on time.

Why is E-commerce Important?
E-commerce business is becoming trendy these days due to the benefits that are arising from it.

24 by 7availability
An E-commerce website is an online store that helps the customers to shop as per their convenience level. Nowadays, people prefer to shop online due to their shortage of time. E-commerce has made shopping easy for people to buy and select the product anytime, and they can even add the product to their wish list for future purchasing.

Access from anywhere
Customers can access your website from anywhere in the world. The mobility of your business increases by selling products and services online.

Increased reach
If your business has an online presence, then you don’t worry about the physical location of your shop or outlets to sell your product or service, and you will find fewer barriers while expanding your business. E-commerce website increases the reach of your business from their home or any part of the world.

Based on targets
In every business, there is the target and potential audience, which is focused more to save time and effort. In E-commerce business, the businessman tries to display the ads of its product in front of the targeted audience which is based on proper research and information to make it easy for you to access your potential customers.

Low cost
The cost of establishing your e-commerce website or e-commerce product listing is much less than the price of displaying your product at physical retail outlets.

Marketing opportunities

Through Search Engine Optimisation, you can increase the rating of your website on Google. And by advertising your site on social media like Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram; you can easily promote your product.

All services under one roof

Apart from the service of E-commerce solutions, we are providing a variety of services like Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Logo Designing, Image, and Video Editing, Photography and Videography.

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